Samstag, 29. April 2006
Once again the latest news ;-)
ich belege dieses Semester nun einen Spanisch-Kurs im Sprachlabor der Uni (4 SWS) - und steige gleich mal ein bei Grundkurs II (nagut... aber auch nur weil ich keinen Platz in Grundkurs I bekommen habe, hihi). Nein, aber nach der ersten Woche kann ich sagen, dass ich denke, dass es so gut ist. Ich hab bis jetzt alles verstanden, komm gut mit und fühle mich nicht hoffnungslos verloren - 2 Monate Südamerika haben also tatächlich was gebracht!
Das wirkliche Problem ist es eigentlich, alles in meine vorgegebene Wochenplanung einzubauen - die Profs wissen noch nicht, dass ich hier und da gern etwas eher gehen würde...
Ja, da heisst es jetzt wieder Hausaufgaben machen... und fein Vokabeln lernen.
Montag, 24. April 2006
Der Ernst des Lebens nimmt wieder Einzug
Auf geht's!
Der Ernst des Lebens nimmt wieder Einzug
Auf geht's!
Mittwoch, 19. April 2006
Freitag, 14. April 2006
Back in Germany
Mit lachendem und weinendem Auge hab ich Santiago am Mittwoch verlassen. Und bin gut wieder in der Heimat angekommen und mit kurzem Abstecher nach Heidelberg, bin ich nun seit heute wieder in Weissenfels. Und freu mich jetzt wieder daheim zu sein. Ostern kann kommen!
Dienstag, 11. April 2006
That's it, I guess
I arrived in Santiago at 4.30 am. Not a good time here, since the metro opens at 6.30 and everybody else is asleep. So I waited 2 hours to go to find a hostel. The first one was full... the second one I have to wait until noon to find out, but I could leave my stuff there.
So I am very tired... border crossing at 1 am isn't so funny, but at least I didn't have to open my backpack as others did.
Santiago is clowdy, humid and soooooo cold. I am freezing, I got so spoiled with the weather in Argentina. But that is okay... that makes leaving easier.
So I am going to see some more of Santiago, maybe meet Yuri if he has time...
and tomorrow I am coming back ;-) It's a bit of a strange feeling. Holidays are a nice invention.
See u all very soon. Besito y ultimos saludos de Chile!
Montag, 10. April 2006
Ultimas palabras de Argentina
I am staying at Flor´s house in Maipú which is very nice and her family is lovely. Today we went to the Thermas in Cacheuta - beautiful day - sun, hot water and just chilling. Tomorrow maybe, I'll visit some wineries and some more of the city and then I'll leave for Chile in the late evening... my last long bus ride... all´s ending now...
Besito y hasta la proxima semana
Sonntag, 9. April 2006
Some more pics

To the pictures:
1. Paraglyding in Mendoza
2. Sun DAWN! (well, yes I have seen one, though it happened because it was one of these long bus rides , hihi)
3. Trekking to the Cascadas in Cafayate
4. Quilmes - riuns with Llama y vista
5. Me on a rock in the Quebradas de Cafayate
The highlight of today was definetely PARAGLYDING... that was an awesome adventure. So cool flying like this! Incredible!
I met with Florencia and we spent the afternoon in a very nice and huge park and walking around town and having pizza at her house.
Happy Birthday once more to my Dad, I don´t know if you got the message I left on the answering machine?
And of course, I am looking foward to see you!!!!
Freitag, 7. April 2006
The days are counted ... but Mendoza is the place to be
Cafayate was beautiful. I did a trek to some nice waterfalls through untouched nature, without even a trail.
Tucumán: well, I can say I have been to the city where independence was declared and saw the actual room. No need to stay longer.
And the last bus I took was also a nice surprise: when I arrived I was welcomed by name... that always makes me think, what have I done... but it turned out there were only 7 people on this double decker bus and me the only foreigner ;-)
And the bus was so comfortable and I had so much space AND there was actually a real dinner (which I could not enjoy, just to prevent the runs in the middle of the night). And it was so nice, they showed the movie with English subtitles for me.
Yeah, so I have 3 days in Mendoza and I don´t know yet what to do, because there is so much to do here... Tonight I stay in a hostel and the rest I am going to spend with Florencia, the girl I met in Santiago my first day.
So see you in less than a week :-(
Dienstag, 4. April 2006
Some pics - ok 2
A sign in the German-Bolivian School, Sucre, Bolivia
More pics follow, it just didn't want to upload them...
In Sucre there was only rain, though the town is nice. Just couldn't do alot in the surroundings. That was ok, since I was not able either...
Well, I am in Cafayate now. A very nice and cute 11.000 inhabitant town. I did a winery and a cheese factory tour (that was the best cheese I tried here, however it is still no real cheese :-) ) and a great tour of the surrounding canyon. I'll stay here another night. Another stop inbetween and then a couple of days in Mendoza. And a night bus to Santiago.
Muchos besos
Samstag, 1. April 2006
Jippi! back on Argentinian grounds
then continuing to Sucre, the constitutional capital of Boliva and finally now back in much safer Argentina - Salta.
Well, that were some exhausting last days with not a lot of sleep, some bad buses and interesting places.
In Potosi I visited a mine, which is the main thing there. That was impressive crawling through tiny dark holes and seeing the miners work. Wow, I thought they stopped working like this centuries ago...very shocking.
Then in the evening to Sucre. Very pretty colonial town and it seemed a lot richer. There I did a tour to dinosaur tracks discovered in 1994. That was quite amazing, too. On the one hand to see left overs from the past and on the other hand, how Bolivians treat these archeological treasures "Oh, yeah and this here in the sand is a fossil alga".
Then I got a bus ticket for the 24 hour trip to Salta via Villazon, a border town... well, I made it there in a crappy bus thinking I would not make it there because the bus had to stop twice in the night on this lonely dirt road to fix something. Well, then after changing my bus ticket 3 times (that´s a long story) I had to walk cross the border to La Quiara. I got all my stamps and finally a bus.
I am glad I am out of Bolivia now without any bigger losses! ... it was nice and interesting but it is just too exhausting, you always have to pay attention, and well yes I did get sick. It was still in La Paz - right in the morning of the day of a 11 hour bus ride. So I had to use my travel first aid kit for the first time, and thanks to Dani I found some usefull stuff. So I didn´t eat a thing and drank only little for almost 2 days because the busses in Bolivia don´t have a toilet on board and stop only little, and since I spent the whole morning in the bathroom, I just didn´t want to take the risk. I am better now...just have to watch what I am eating to leave it in.
So, I am goining to cook this evening again... the first time after 5 days. And guess what...of course..noodles and tomato sauce ;-) (oh I forgot, perhaps there is an asado in the hostal tonight)
I don´t have my further route planned yet, I only know that my days are counted :-( . Soooo sad! 12th of April is coming closer... I am really looking foward to see u guys again, but it is hard to see it all end...
Many greetings and besos!